Leading The Next Generation Of Security



Aug 22nd 2017


If you're looking to improve your aim with firearms, whether for hunting, competition or personal defense, the best way to do so is to engage in target shooting practice. However, if you're new to shooting, you may find that even hitting a stationary target isn't always easy. And whether you have any experience or not, it's always good to improve your aim, and to do so safely. Here are some of our favorite tips to improve your target shooting and to do so without risking personal injury.

Target Shooting Safety Tips

Keep Things Slow

While it can be tempting to try to maintain accuracy while quick-shooting rounds, particularly when trying for competition, speed is going to sacrifice accuracy. Try some slow-fire drills at varying ranges to focus on your accuracy, and only attempt to increase the speed once your groups become tighter.

Put Yourself Through Dry Firing Practice

Many shooters skip dry firing practice, and we understand that it can seem boring, but this exercise can greatly improve your accuracy and will end up saving you money on ammo. Choose an aiming point, such as a small dummy target on the wall, and be absolutely sure that your weapon isn't loaded. Pretend every shot is real, and focus on the basics. Focusing on basic firing practice is easier without any noise or recoil, and improving your basic skills with dry firing will increase your accuracy when using live ammunition. Working on the basics also makes you less likely to injure yourself while shooting.

Use the Right Ammo

It might sound obvious, but if you don't take the time to find the best ammo for your gun, the weapon's performance may decrease, which will cause you to sacrifice accuracy. In addition, if you test various types of ammo to find the best fit, should you go through a shooting slump, you'll know it's because of a mechanical error on your part and not a bad match between gun and ammo.

Keep Trigger Pulls Consistent

Particularly for beginners, it can be tempting to squeeze the trigger too hard, especially when you hear “trigger pull.” In reality, you should squeeze the trigger as gently as you can while still causing the weapon to fire, as this will minimize external influence (from your body) on the rifle. However, correct trigger pressure varies by weapon, so practicing squeezing the trigger on new guns (and engaging in dry firing) is highly recommended.

Take a Gun Training Course

Gun training courses are a great resource for shooters of any level as they teach both shooting skills to improve your accuracy as well as demonstrating firearm safety. Reputable firearm courses or general weapons training courses should focus on safety while still providing expert shooting advice.

If you think taking a course sounds like a great idea, you can trust in the experience and expertise of Six Maritime, located in Gainesville, FL. Our educational sessions and firearms training courses will teach you to improve your accuracy while also broadening your general knowledge of gun usage and safety. Stop by or contact us today to see firsthand how our courses can increase your target shooting ability.

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