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Experienced Shooter? Tactical Training Can Still Help

Experienced Shooter? Tactical Training Can Still Help

Mar 01st 2021

Experienced Shooter? Tactical Training Can Still Help

Whether you’ve been around guns for most of your life or have recently become interested in them, tactical training courses can help both novice and experienced shooters in a variety of ways. The great thing about Six Maritime firearms training is that one on one time with instructors means that you can strengthen weaknesses, practice your advantages, and deepen your appreciation for guns among other enthusiasts. To get you started, Six Maritime has four tips that experienced shooters can benefit from during tactical training.

Check out our training schedule and contact us today for more information or to enroll.

Improve Your Skills

No matter how long you’ve been using guns or how precise your aim is, bad habits can still creep into training, especially without being able to review your stance and performance from an outside perspective. Working with a tactical firearms instructor, you’ll have access to immediate feedback and tips for improving so that you can break past your accuracy threshold and hit the mark every time.

Prepare For The Unexpected

While civilians will almost never have to draw their guns in a life or death situation, this scenario does unfortunately happen. The best advantage that you can give yourself is to be prepared with tactical training. Even just having the right tactical mindset can provide you with the ability to coolly and safely handle the situation without risking your safety or the safety of those around you. At the end of the day, it’s better to have the skills and not need them than to need them and not have them.

Launch A New Career

Finding out more about all of the tactical training courses available can expose you to an array of different career opportunities that you may not have been aware of. Many people who appreciate firearms can find lucrative and fulfilling careers in the security industry or as a coast guard. Completing our STCW-95 course is the entry-level credential necessary to begin a fulfilling career on the high seas. 

Enjoy Firearm Training With Others

No matter how old you are or how long you’ve been handling guns, tactical firearms training is just plain old fun. It can also help you meet and network with others who share common interests and goals with you. No matter the reasons for taking tactical courses, you’re sure to love being around an array of firearms while honing your skills to excellence.

Six Maritime offers a critical training laboratory—a state-of-the-art laser shot simulator for military and law enforcement professionals for close combat, domain battle simulation in complex operational environments with cognitive decision-making classroom and range course available.

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Six Maritime is proud to be partnered with companies, who together are supporting the pursuit of safety.